The first thing to know is that to make a thing a habit in life should be chosen carefully. If habits get long term practice it has many sided implications to force life. A certain habit for example of seating onself in a chair surprisingly has different outcomes in different individuals.
The hour when such pain is came to the realization the most is after retiring to bed and the morning. Firstly before going into eternal sleep the pain begins to display in the pain in thigh.

It at first is the standard reaction of the body release a the signal to the person to sense it so about make efforts like pressing these, walking, messaging the effected aspect to get relief or take pain relieving pills others try and fasten a sling or piece of material etc all around the pain in thigh. This may establish short term relief.
How a general change in seating posture can work wonders to drive away pain from the posterior part of the upper thighs is a wonderful example. People often feel pain in the actual muscles and in many conditions it is the posterior portion or the underside of pain in thigh.
What is best and long term solution is merely to make a few changes in seating position. Try a various experience with either a seat with metal bars or wooden bars fitted onto the precise surface of the seat of which comes into contact with the pain in thigh.
Make sure the the bars are thick up to eight inches in diameter without less. Thin bars begin to be able to hurt or prick into your skin layer rather than comforting the underside of pain in thigh.
While seated in such position, the majority of the weight of the body should be felt on the underside in the painful area rather than putting weight and pressure on relaxing buttocks at the back with the chair.
In other words seek to stretch your legs without stage setting them apart at the feet. Unfold them while seating. Feet must meet each other at the end of stretched legs with since least bend in knees as it can be.
In this position the discomfort area underside of affected thighs and leg must fall directly in brand over the first bar with the chair. Assume a relaxed berth of mind and body for 2 minutes.
This position having been adjusted to, make sure that the pain area started to give birth and assume the stress and also weight exactly at the assembly points of the things plus the bar fixed on the chair.
Stay in the same position for a minute or 2 but continuously and slowly bend forward the body and backward movements with a straightened backward and without jerky movement.
Any time you bend forth, try to give forth the air in your lung area with longer breaths inhaling the same way while moving back to touch the back of chair.
Be aware the sensation you feel within the legs in the things. The end of the thighs at 1st will give you a very little prickly or hurting feelings in touch with the first bar under them.
This usually happens with the particular beginners which they become used to in a few days. Gradually this newly developed hurting experience is realized as important reading of its function of beginning of relieving pain.
If achievable in the later stages associated with repeating attempts in the very same procedure try to reach out your hands to touch the foot fingers every time you bend dexter forward.
Do this procedure not less than ten minutes and make likely to do in a quiet location free of disturbance.
Follow some do's and do not within this exercise to achieve best benefits. Never attempt this soon after eating. Make sure an interval for a minimum of three to four hours.